(+421) 333 030 370

Who we are

EVOGEAR s.r.o. is an engineering and manufacturing company founded in 2018 by a team of people with great experience in the industry. We are engineers, designers and automation experts. We offer comprehensive services in the field of industry and manufacturing. We are an ideal partner for companies that are equipped with automated machines or want to speed up and streamline their production process.

Our goal

To be a dominant company, develop and deliver high quality products, great services and premium maintenance to our customers. In EVOGEAR, our work is our hobby and therefore we engage in every project with maximum dedication to provide you with the best solution.

Our vision

Make human’s work easier. In today’s world of modern technology, people shouldn´t do the repetitive work that a machine or a robot can do. Human potential is enormous and should be exploited creatively. Our dream is to relieve people from the hard and laborious work and therefore help to improve the world.

Why choose us?

Professionalism in every aspect

We know that our customers are extremely busy, therefore we try to adapt our work ethics as much as possible. With us everything is under one roof. We execute projects comprehensively in the form of turnkey delivery from initial design to final starting and testing. We communicate with the customers efficiently and try to meet their needs and not bother them unnecessarily. We are aware of the fact that a large part of the adjustments and maintenance in the production process can only be done during shutdowns, especially during holidays.

Single-purpose machines and production technologies are like a labyrinth. The solution can be accomplished in various ways, some of which are simple and fast, others complicated and inefficient. We realize that when you contact us with any request, it is always critical for your production and therefore we solve every assignment as best as we can. We emphasize efficiency and compatibility. We always think ahead and are aware of the fact that our equipment is being used for many years. Therefore we strive to make their maintenance as simple as possible and spare parts always available.

Creative solutions

Quality components & reliable service

We choose our suppliers carefully! We thoroughly check the quality as well as services and the possibility of delivering spare parts for the future. We mostly work with traditional, proven manufacturers of the components. Although price is important, we never try to reduce it to the detriment of the quality and safety of our equipment.

Do you need a technology or a special part that you are currently buying very expensively or you don´t have a reliable supplier and it is critical for production? You can count on us! We cooperate with state-of-the-art laboratories in the field of materials and production technology. Just assign us the problem or provide us with a sample part and we will take care of it. We will provide you with a comprehensive solution, technological process or necessary components.

We are engineers & integrators

Flexibility & individual care

We are a young company, it doesn´t take weeks for the company management to sign paperwork to get things moving. We respond quickly and are at customers‘ disposal. That is the advantage of working with us, whether it is ordering single-purpose machines and equipment for production or it‘s maintenance, repair and other services – we provide.

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