(+421) 333 030 370

Design & Engineering


Our team of highly qualified engineers is ready for all tasks. From planning, through 3D modeling & designing to manufacturing and assembling of machines and parts. Using state-of-the-art technology and the most advanced software we always achieve results of the highest quality.

We offer:

  • 3D design & modeling
  • Planning
  • 3D scanning
  • CNC machining
  • Production of parts according to documentation
  • Different kinds of Jigs and Fixtures
  • Modification and upgrades of special purpose machines
  • Manufacture of manipulators and conveyors
  • Material quality inspection (chemical composition and technological properties)


Our designers deal with every job in the most creative manner, while paying attention to the simplicity and functionality of the result. They work with the most advanced CAD software and take full advantage of all its capabilities. We design components, constructions, machines, equipment, conveyors and whole production lines. If you are interested, we will design the entire production process that is as efficient and simple as possible in order to achieve the highest profit possible from each product.

Components, jigs and fixtures

As part of our services, we also offer the production and delivery of components according to documentation, whether produced individually or in series. We offer  production and delivery of various types of steel or aluminum structures according to the required properties which we design, manufacture, surface finish and also assemble and mount as required. A specialist designs all our products to handle the required stress and have a long time durability.

Technical documentation update

Not only do we design new parts and equipment, we also offer the documentation updates. If you have made changes to your machine, equipment or an entire production line, you should keep your documents up to date. We will check your device, compare the technical documentation with its facts and apply the changes in the technical documentation. We will also modify the maintenance and user manual or provide its translation.

Material quality inspection

Material quality requirements are constantly growing and especially in safety parts they have to meet high standards for material properties. We provide analysis and inspection of chemical composition of the material. We also determine the main material parameters such as yield strength, strength limit, toughness, corrosion resistance and others. You will receive an official certificate of all results and you can safely rely on them. We also inspect technological properties of materials such as castability, machinability, hardenability and others. These findings are particularly important in the further processing and usage of components.

Design and engineering: We will take care of your project!

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