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Design & Engineering

From planning, through 3D modeling & designing to manufacturing and assembling of machines and parts. Using state-of-the-art technology and the most advanced software we always achieve results of the highest quality.

Automation & Robotics

The team of our experts executes projects according to individual customer requirements, in the form of a complete delivery, which includes planning, designing, production and assembly to the actual starting and handing over the machine to the customer.

Assembly & Industrial work

We specialize mainly in the automotive industry. We design and assemble customized solutions in production lines and manufacturing according to specific customer requirements.

Design & Engineering

Our team of highly qualified engineers is ready for all tasks. From planning, through 3D modeling & designing to manufacturing and assembling of machines and parts. Using state-of-the-art technology and the most advanced software we always achieve results of the highest quality.

Automation & Robotics

Industrial automation is currently one of the basic elements to speed up and improve production. The team of our experts executes projects according to individual customer requirements, in the form of a complete delivery, which includes planning, designing, production and assembly to the actual starting and handing over the machine to the customer. Our job is not finished with this step. We provide reliable maintenance, fast and high quality services

Assembly & Industrial works

An inherent part of our portfolio is assembly, disassembly, integration of equipment and industrial work in the factory. We specialize mainly in the automotive industry. We design and assemble customized solutions in production lines and manufacturing according to specific customer requirements. We supply and modify serial equipment in production, auxiliary and safety equipment, air pipes, etc. We also provide works on platforms and work at height in industrial plants.


Our customers

Contact us


Adress: Coburgova 9005/82 91702 Trnava

Tel. number: (+421) 910 522 567

Email: info@evogear.sk

ID: 51744830

TAX ID: 2120791299

VAT ID: SK2120791299

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